Friday, 14 November 2008

Monday, 27 October 2008

Right then not alot been happening, been sorting through the Birds nest that is the wireing :( what a mess haha but its funny i could have tied up my mrs with it all.

Right Martin Taylor has been kind enough to make me a set of 13 by 3 rims which i pick up at Flame and Thunder for a very good price. Cheers dude

Cage is booked in for the 21 of novemeber with Jim Smith

Just spoke to Walter at CMS to get some rear wheels made, going to measure what i can fit under the Arches but my options are

1 3/8s

so i will check what i need and get them made up , they come out at a very good price even with the SHITE dollar exchange rate

Sunday, 31 August 2008

Measure this measure that :)

Well as i said before i need to get the details to M Taylor to get started on the front wheels.

The current wheel i belive is a fait wheel the the Vworld Feature on the car said its a 15" rabbit wheel. This is a 13" wheel with a 175 70 R13 tyre , does rub on full look.

Going for a 2 ½ back space and 1 ½ up front as i want to give it a tucked look.

Friday, 29 August 2008

Nout new but old Tat

Well i thought i would put up some Dubs i have owned in the past , bit of history on me i supose. I never really keep stuff for long which is a shame , but the fiat is a Keeper :)

Anway first up would be the X Hundsaker White cal looker. Such a nice car just needed going through which has now been done by its new owner: Enough of my rubish talk heres the car :)

Then the last to cross my path was a car built by Luke V in cali Called the Jade Grenade , a cool guy call Barry owns its now and i think its about to his the show scene and really impress alot of people:

No work done as i am the most tired person in the world

Sorry guys no work at the mow, i think i am a walking Zombie...Doing silly hours at work at the mow.


Box is at Cogbox awaiting its upgrade :)

Old specs from Jeff are :
super diff 3.88rp 3.781st 2.06 2nd 1.26 3rd .074 4th. saw axels with cromoly cages in the cvs.

So we shall see what Pete and Deano say at Cogbox as to what i change and upgrade.

Also Booked in for its cage with Jim Smith at Cotswelds, going to really set the pace for the project.

Wednesday, 27 August 2008

Parts parts everywhere

I had planned on centrelines all round but due to the ofset required for this car , Martin Taylor has offered to make me a custom set for the front 13x4 inches and ill get a set of ercos for the rear.

These where the fronts against the rear which are 15s , but they are not going to fit so they have already found new homes.

So seats sorted out :) Thank you James AKA BRT

NOS Type 3 drums for the rear ! sorry for the silly person THATS ME ..

Stewart Warner Guages Thank you Zack !! Not sure which ones i will use yet

In the UK :)

Apologies i have lost the photos i took of the day she got here :( but here our my tear down photos ready for work to begin. For a Fiat the metal has really done well , doing both pans is not a big deal and new metal for extra strength is fine.

Right Got back from BUGIN 2 ( To good for words ) and my new project had landed and was sitting in my garage.

Hard at work :)

Gearbox out to 3 very good friends ( that was not easy as its not meant to be in there ) Thank you Rhod Dan and Ian ...and lou lou ;)

And to what i have got done so far ....Now i am no welder so a local guy Eric at Bodycraft does all my work!! God bless him i can push the car down the road he is that near by.

As you can see i have kept alot of the battered panels as i didn't want to take them out due to it being part of what the car is.

Now aint that the smallest Berg shifter you ever did see ?

More Info later

I will when i have a spare hour right out the old Article from Volsworld by KS :) But for now Just a few more pics to keep the mind sweaty.

Also here is what i would like to aim for with some modern twist and my personal touch. (photos of LGK from the forum)

Where to start

As you can probably see i have been luckily enough to have been given the chance to buy Jeff Denham's ( Head Porter Legend ) old Fiat 600 D 1958 :). This came about i was just bored at work looking through, and was looking deep into the forum and clicked a thread which offered this crazy ride. One quick email and lots of nail chewing a deal was struck, 3 months later she is all mine.

Few photos from its life in the USA